Are you a database developer? If so, I would love to chat with you. Please say hi!
I am learning Systems Programming these days. You can find some of my code on my GitHub.
Current Projects
I am an open source enthusiast and contribute in my free time. Following projects are my current focus:
Recent Projects
Some of my recent projects which I consider them to be complete and currently on maintainance mode:
- PyTorch Flask API - Quickly lets you bootstrap building a Flask server around PyTorch. It has also has a sister repo for Heroku
- CoWin Assist - Bot to check covid vaccine slot availability on CoWin site
- haxor - Unofficial Python wrapper for official Hacker News API
- Rockstar - Makes you a Rockstar C++ Programmer in 2 minutes
- bencode - bencode parser written in Go
Really Old Projects
- gRPC Errors
- kylo - Built a really simple FAQ bot using Facebook’s Infersent
- gob - Dead simple job board using Django
- slackipy - Automate user invites to your Slack channel
- della - Della is a Django app for managing Secret Santa/Gift Exchange
- Little Finger - You gotta check the repo to know more
- status - HTTP Status for Humans
- Hocus Pocus — Status bar only OS X app, which shows/hides hidden /system files. Written using Swift
- I have written bunch of bots: Laozi, Reddit GoodReads Bot, prawoauth2